Order Instructions

Order Instructions:


-Order on website:

+Visit website: www.differentgem.com

+Select products and place orders

   If this is your first visit, strongly recommend you to “Register Account” , or if you just want to try, you can also choose “Guest Checkout”

   **Guest Checkout

Step 1: directly jump to “Step 2”, please make sure all information with “*” should be filled


Step 2: then you would jump to step 4 “Delivery Method”, suggest to choose “Free Shipping”

Step 3:  Choose “Payment Method”, the card number would be

Step 4: Confirm Order





  **Register Account


Step 1: Choose Register Account” and jump to Step two


Step 2: make sure all info with “*” should be filled in correctly

Step 3: you can shop and checkout with your account now

Step 4: the Delivery Details, can be the same as billing address or a new one

Step 5: We are covering shipping fee till our latest notice, so you can choose “Free Shipping”

Step 6: Currently we only provide Credit card payments

Step 7: Then come to the final part to finish