1. Purpose and scope of collection:

The main data collection on the website https://differentgem.com/ includes: email, phone, customer address, etc. This is the information https://differentgem.com/ needs customers to provide. Required when registering to use the service and https://differentgem.com/ contact for confirmation when customers register to use the service at https://differentgem.com/ to ensure consumer rights .

During the payment transaction process at website https://differentgem.com/, we only store detailed information about the customer's paid order, information about the customer's bank account number will not be stored. saved.

Customers will be solely responsible for the security and storage of all service use information when sending contacts and their email. In addition, customers are responsible for promptly notifying website https://differentgem.com/ about unauthorized use, abuse, security violations, and retention of registration names and passwords by third parties. to take appropriate solutions.

2. Scope of information use:

The company uses the information provided by members to:

• Provide information about products and services to customers;

• Deliver goods to customers;

• Send notifications about information exchange activities between members and website https://differentgem.com/ such as promotions, customer appreciation,...;

• Prevent activities that destroy members' user accounts or activities that impersonate members;

• Contact and resolve with members in special cases.

• Do not use members' personal information other than for confirmation and contact related to transactions at https://differentgem.com/;

In case of legal requirements: The Company is responsible for cooperating in providing members' personal information upon request from judicial agencies including: Procuracy, courts, police investigation agencies. related to certain legal violations by customers. In addition, no one has the right to violate members' personal information.

3. Information storage period:

Members' personal data will be stored until cancellation is requested. In all other cases, member personal information will be kept confidential on the server of https://differentgem.com/.

4. People or organizations that may have access to personal information:

Subjects with access to personal information of customers/members fall into one of the following cases:


• Partners have signed a contract to perform part of the services provided by QUOC LONG ELECTRONICS COMMERCE COMPANY LIMITED. These partners will receive information according to the contract agreement (possibly part or all of the information depending on the contract terms) to support users in using the services provided by the Company.

• State agencies when requesting the Company to provide user information to serve the investigation process.

• The buyer and seller have a dispute and request the Company to act as a mediator.

5. Address of the unit that collects and manages personal information:


• Business registration: 3301729810 issued by Hue City Department of Planning and Investment on: March 27, 2024

• Address: Lot LKV12-4 Royal Park urban area, Thuy Van ward, Hue city, Thua Thien - Hue province, Vietnam

• Tell: 0344004222

• Email: service@quoclongelec.com

6. Means and tools for users to access and edit their personal data:

Customers have the right to check, update, adjust or cancel their personal information by asking https://differentgem.com/ to do this.

Customers have the right to send complaints about the seller to the Administration Board of the website https://differentgem.com/. When receiving this feedback, https://differentgem.com/ will confirm the information. In case the customer's feedback is correct, depending on the level, https://differentgem.com/ will take measures. timely handling.

7. Commitment to protecting customer personal information:

Personal information of customers at https://differentgem.com/ is committed to absolute confidentiality by https://differentgem.com/ according to the personal information protection policy of https://differentgem.com/. The collection and use of each customer's information is only carried out with that customer's consent, unless otherwise prescribed by law.

Do not use, transfer, provide or disclose to any third party the customer's personal information without the customer's consent.

In case the information server is attacked by hackers leading to loss of customer personal data, https://differentgem.com/ will be responsible for reporting the incident to the investigating authorities for timely handling. time and notify customers.

Absolutely secure all customer online transaction information, including digital accounting invoice information and documents on https://differentgem.com/.

The management board of https://differentgem.com/ requires individuals to provide complete personal information when registering/purchasing.

Related information such as: Full name, contact address, email, phone, account number, payment card number..., and is responsible for the legality of the above information. The management board https://differentgem.com/ is not responsible or will not resolve any complaints related to that member's rights if it considers all personal information that customer provided when registering. was initially incorrect.

8. Mechanism for receiving and resolving complaints related to customer personal information

Members have the right to send complaints about personal information disclosure to third parties to the Management Board of the E-commerce Trading Platform https://differentgem.com/ to the Company's address or via email.

Email: service@quoclongelec.com

The company is responsible for implementing technical and professional measures to verify the reported content.

The processing time for feedback related to customer personal information is 15 days.